zero waste life

Weekly Weigh-in 6: Flowers and Thin Mints


So this week, I bought flowers wrapped in plastic, you can check out the journal below for the reason why, and these were my biggest item. I also finished a tube of lip balm that I had from before, two straws that I forgot to ask the bartender to leave out, the usually fruit stickers, and the wrapping of some girl scout cookies.

My total trash weighed in at 41 grams, or 0.09 lbs

This was up from last week, but not by too much, so I'm still feeling ok!


So, about the flowers... this past weekend a neighbor of mine passed away. I didn't know her or her spouse very well at all, but I did feel that a show of kindness was needed.  Unfortunately, with my work and school schedule, I didn't have the time to bake cookies that evening. Also, fun fact, there are no flowers growing in Colorado in February.  So, in my haste to bring what I could as soon as possible, I bought some very pretty flowers wrapped in plastic.  I know I probably could have waited a few days and baked something (or gone to a bakery as a different neighbor did) but I didn't. My desire to get something immediate overwhelmed my need to be zero waste. For now, I'm ok with that. But I do feel I should maybe have some go-tos for situations like this. 

On a happier note, this week my boyfriend and I celebrated our 3-year anniversary.  He knew how torn I was about buying the flowers in plastic, so he bought me a beautiful bamboo plant, already potted, with zero plastic in sight!

Also, my roommate informed me that as a household of four we only went through 1 bag of trash! We think the combination of me not adding anything to it, and composting is the reason. I don't know what the average trash-bag production per household is but I'd guess that's on the low end!

And finally, girl scout cookies. I'm so torn on this one. Thin Mints are one of my favorite things of all times, and I really do like supporting the GS. I know I could make some on my own, but I just can't decide which cause to stick to, supporting young women or zero waste. For now, I'm caving on zero waste, but I think I'll need to come up with something better in the future. Maybe learn to make my own and then just donate to the girl scouts w/o buying cookies? That seems like the most logical choice. We'll have to see how my homemade ones turn out!

Weekly Weigh-in 5: Normalization


So this week, nothing at all that miraculous happened.  It was utterly and undeniably normal.  I had some tea that came in wrapping, ate one bar that came wrapped (at a volunteer event), used one cauliflower packaged in plastic, and had the normal accumulation of fruit stickers.

My total trash weighed in at 17 grams, or 0.04 lbs!

That's my lowest weight so far, which I'm stoked about. 


As I said above, this week felt really normal. I didn't have anything that seemed to outrageously affect my trash.  This gives me hope that reducing my trash to nearly zero really is possible, since several things in my trash were really avoidable (like the bar and cauliflower wrappings).  Maybe soon I can start switching to a monthly weigh-in instead of weekly!

However, starting today, I am working two full weekends at ski school.  For the environment, it's pretty eco-friendly, but it's definitely possible to produce more waste in that environment and I'll need to prep to avoid it! Update on how it all went down next week.