zero waste popcorn

Stovetop Popcorn


My dad really had something against microwave popcorn, so I've been making stovetop popcorn since I was about 9.  It's really simple, and I honestly don't even measure the ingredients out anymore. But if you're just getting started with stovetop popcorn, here are some simple instructions to get you going!


  • 1 medium sized sauce pan (about 3 quarts) w/ lid
    • you want your kernels to cover the bottom of the pot in an even layer


  • 3 Tbsp coconut, safflower, sunflower, avocado, or grapeseed oil (you just want one with a relatively high smokepoint)
  • 1/3 cup popcorn kernels
  • Salt to taste


  1.  Heat the oil in your medium sized sauce pan on medium-high heat
    • If using coconut oil, allow it to melt completely
  2. Throw a couple kernels into the oil
  3. Wait until these test kernels pop, then add the 1/3 cup of popcorn kernels.
    • They should cover the bottom of the pot in an even layer. 
  4.  Place lid on saucepan and remove from heat for about 30 seconds. 
    • you don't HAVE to do this, but I find it helps to pop your kernels more uniformly as the hot oil brings up the temperature of the kernels to near popping so that they are ready to go once back on the heat
  5.  Return your pan to the heat. And wait for the popping to start.
  6. Once the popping really gets going, gently shake the pan by moving it back and forth over the burner.
    • You may need to lift the pan slightly off the burner so it doesn't rub too much
    • You will probably need to hold the lid so the steam and popping kernels don't fly it off, but try to keep it slightly ajar to allow the steam to release.
  7. Once popping slows, count between pops, and when there's about 3 seconds between each pop, remove pan from heat and immediately pour into a large bowl.
  8. Add salt to taste. Sometime I add other spices like curry powder for some extra flavor!