For Beginners

Don't Underestimate the Big 4

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Since I’ve started living in St. Croix, a place which is beautiful, but has practically no recycling, I’ve had a bit more of a struggle keeping up with my own zero waste goals. However, it has given me a whole new appreciation how important eliminating those first few disposables from your life is: Plastic Bags, Water Bottles, Straws, To-Go Coffee Cups, and napkins.

Though I’ve had to make constant compromises when it comes to waste here, I have been able to stay away (mostly) from these items, and that alone has absolutely made a huge difference in my waste production.

So here’s a little review of the BIG 4 - even if you have no intentions of going zero waste, eliminating these can make a huge difference!

1. Plastic Bags

The no-brainer! We see reusable bags all over the place now, which is awesome. The hardest part here is simply remembering your reusable bags. I tend to keep a few in my car, one stuffable one in my bag, and the rest right by the door of our apartment. Usually this means I don’t go to the store empty handed.

I brought one stuffable one here to St. Croix, and that combined with my large purse has kept me covered here!

2. reusable water bottle

In most locations here on St. Croix, rainwater is collected via cistern and used for bathing and washing, but generally not for drinking. There’s also many historic buildings, from which the tap water is not drinkable. These realities result in most locations using jug water dispensers and a supply plastic cups, including my own office!

But having a reusable water bottle has kept me both hydrated (as long as I remember to drink from it!) and zero waste with regards to water. I prefer stainless steel water bottles, mostly because of their durability and ability to be endlessly recycled.

3. Straws

This one is the most simple, but somehow it feels like you have the least control over it!

When you are out at a restauraunt or bar or wherever else you could possible get a straw, just as for “no straw, please” with your drink orders. You will get looks of annoyance, confusion, begrudging respect, excitement, & I’ve even gotten a free drink out of it before (coffee)!

I’ve also had many a waiter, waitress, bartender, etc. put a straw in my drink, realize the mistake, (sometimes) make direct eye contact with me, take the straw out, and subsequently throw it away. AH!

All of this can feel a wee bit frustrating, and I get it. I’ve found the best attitude to have is to just try your hardest. If you ask for no straw and one comes, don’t freak out. Just keep on keepin’ on!

Also sometimes carrying your own straws helps servers remember / understand wtf you’re asking for. There are so many options out there: stainless steel / silicone, bamboo, glass, potentially things I don’t know about! So find whatever works best for you and go for it!

4. reusable Coffee Mugs

So, my partner worked at Starbucks in the mountains for a bit, before my zero waste days. I used to hop off the bus and pickup a free chai latte for myself on my way to work in the morning. Admittedly, almost always in a to-go coffee cup. Single use. Not recyclable. I don’t even want to think of how many of those stupid freaking cups I’ve thrown away.

However, that was just because he would have them pre-made for me. I’ve been bringing my own tea and coffee around and having mugs filled since I was in high school. I just wasn’t thinking about it quite as analytically as I do now.

Anyway, the only person I’ve had refuse to fill my coffee mug was a Delta flight attendant who was being a complete a**hole must have been having a bad day. Almost any coffee shop will ablige no problem, and often give you a small discount for your efforts!

I love both Hydroflask and Klean Kanteen’s to-go coffee options. I’ve also used my Klean Kanteen tumbler for alcoholic drinks many a time at festivals and other events - keeps my drinks nice and cool even in the summer heat!

My dutiful Hydroflask kept my coffee warm all night in the field on Buck Island, monitoring mama sea turtles!

My dutiful Hydroflask kept my coffee warm all night in the field on Buck Island, monitoring mama sea turtles!

6 Reasons to Buy Secondhand



1. There's Already Enough Stuff

There is so much stuff already in this world. Like waaaaaay too much stuff. That's why so much of it ends up in landfills and our oceans. Even though manufacturing is continuing at an alarming rate, we don't need to continue to consume new products all the time!

If you really want something new I'd recommend going through sites like Blinq where returned and barely used items are sold. I recently bought a multicooker from Blinq because I wasn't able to find one of the quality I wanted second hand locally.

2. New Life

You have the awesome (and fun!) opportunity to take something that's a little worn, and turn it into something beautiful! I'm currently working on updating a set of 4 chairs that I bought on craigslist. They were a wee bit ugly, but I saw the potential. And a little new paint and upholstery will make them usable for much longer!

3. It's Uniquely Yours

I really don't want someone to be able to walk into my home and know exactly where I bought everything from. Buying second hand often gives you beautiful pieces that aren't the latest season (or decade), so they feel more uniquely yours.

One of my favorite things that I've gotten secondhand is my earthenware dish set. I got it for $100 on craigslist and it came with 8 large plates 6 small plates, 3 serving plates, 8 bowls, 8 mugs, and 2 dutch ovens. Not only was that a freaking STEAL, but I feel like they are irreplaceable!

4. Longevity

I personally feel like many items made decades ago were meant to stand the test of time, that's why they end up in thrift shops 30-70 years later still usable, and yet that IKEA dresser that's 2 years old is completely falling apart. I have baskets, chests, bowls, pots, pans, etc. that are all at least 20 years old. And they can be repaired when they break (unlike that freaking IKEA dresser)

5. Waste Reduction / Diversion

Through donating your used goods (instead of tossing them) and buying second hand, you're diverting waste from landfills. Just because you, or someone else is done with an item, doesn't mean it's lost all it's usefulness. 

6. Money, Honey.

The pure, unadulterated thrill of walking away with an item worth $100 for $8 never gets old! Whether your finding stuff at a thrift store, or through sites like craigslist and nextdoor, it always feels great. Most of my favorite material things are second hand items, and it's probably partially because I didn't have to spend a fortune on them! 


Random Stuff I've gotten second hand: 

5 Things I Carry With Me


In order to go zero waste, I have made a habit of keeping certain things on my person at all times:

1. A cloth napkin

Good for use as a napkin, a small hand towel, even a handkerchief when the nose starts running (after which it is washed and replaced!) You can find these on sale or used (especially if you don't care about color!), I recommend 100% cotton if possible!

2. A fork/Spork

It's nice when I have all the utensils on me (fork, knife, and spoon), but at least a fork or a spork tends to stay in my purse/backpack at all times

3. Stainless Steel Straw  

These are obviously good to replace plastic straws in drinks and smoothies. But they are also awesome for stirring cream/honey into coffee or tea instead to those terrible plastic stirrers!

4. Reusable Coffee Cup / Water bottle

I generally have both of these, but minimally one! I have tea throughout the whole day, and need to hydrate as well! My Klean Kanteen Insulated Tumbler also makes a great pint glass at bars or BBQs!



5. Food Canister

So I don't always have a food canister on me, but I make an effort to bring one whenever I'm going to go out to eat so I can put leftovers in it! Minimizes food waste and packaging all in one!

I'll admit, I haven't perfected the art of remembering these every time I leave the house.  I feel as though a huge part of this process is reshaping your habits.  So I'm working on it.  Whether it's bringing bags to the grocery store, learning to buy in bulk, or carrying my reusable spork around, I'm working on improving my habits to truly go zero waste.